
Wapping Wildcats

Covid19 Guidelines

Wapping Wildcats Volleyball Club are running training sessions in line with guidance from UK Government, our third party venues and the Volleyball England sport specific action plan.

At the heart of our plans is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of each of you attending the sessions. Therefore, we’ve set out a few basic rules that everyone should follow when attending sessions so that we keep each other safe. By attending the sessions you agree to follow these rules. If people do not follow the rules and put other participants at risk then you may be asked not to attend the sessions.

We will continue to monitor the guidance and any local lockdown restrictions. Should we have to change or contact session at short notice we will endeavour to inform everyone as soon as possible. Please do follow the website and social media channels for the latest updates.

1. Attending sessions

The number of attendees at sessions will be strictly limited. Please book your spot in advance via the Club’s Facebook Page. The events will detail the number of spaces available for each session and will state when it is fully booked. Where relevant, for sessions you will also pay online in advance of attending the session. Until further notice you will not be able to attend a session if you turn up without booking in advance. This is so that we can control the numbers for everyone’s safety and collect information for Test and Trace. Please do not book a slot unless you know you can make it so that we can maximise the ability for everyone to play as much as possible. If you can no longer make it please contact us to cancel the session to free up a space for someone else to attend.
Prior to attending each session you must undergo a self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms. If you, or someone you live with, has symptoms of COVID-19 (as set out below) you must not attend the session. You must follow the NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation:

• A high temperature
• A new, continuous cough
• A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste

If you are a vulnerable person because of age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or pregnant or are living with someone in self-isolation or that is vulnerable you should avoid sessions because of the increased risk associated in taking part in volleyball.

You are also strongly advised to comply with public health restrictions and avoid high risk behaviour outside of volleyball to reduce the risk to their fellow participants when you do attend.

2. Volleyball

We will be following and strictly adhering to all guidance given to us by our venues and also by Volleyball England (our National Governing Body) and attendees must comply with this guidance. A link to the Volleyball England guidance is here and you should familiarise yourself with this (note the relevant guidance for your session (outdoor and indoor) and the risks of participating in volleyball at this time. In particular please read the minimums standards of behaviour and conduct. You can view the Club’s Covid-19 risk assessments at here.

In particular note you must adhere to social distancing before and after sessions and during any breaks in activity. Coaches and/or Team Secretaries will give further guidance at the relevant sessions to ensure that this is maintained. You must follow the instructions of the Coaches and organisers at all sessions.

3. Travelling to sessions and arrival at venue

You should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and limiting car sharing. See the government’s safer travel guidance for passengers for further information.
Do not congregate at the venue before activity begins but aim to arrive at least 5 minutes the start of the session for the check in. You should arrive changed and ready to begin the warm up rather than using the changing rooms at the venue (where applicable).

There will be a temperature check before you can step on court and you will be asked to sign in and provide your details on the paper-sign in form. If your temperature is too high (>37 C), you won’t be allowed in.
Ensure you put your water bottle/other belongings at least 2 metres apart from other people in ensure continued social distancing in any breaks and after the session.

4. What to bring

Sharing of equipment will be limited as much as possible. You should bring:

  • a facemask which may be required to be worn in venue in order to get to your activity. Please also follow venue guidelines and requirements,
  • your own hand sanitiser and you should use this before and after each session and during each break,
  • your own full water bottle which should be labelled or highly distinguishable in order to avoid any confusion,
  • your own sweat/fitness towel, foam roller, resistance band, joint supports or any other equipment you need for warm up/warm down or during activities.

Note: Some venues are not permitting access to water fountains at this stage so please ensure you bring sufficient water for the whole session.

5. During the session

Follow the instructions of the relevant coach or organiser and take care at all times to respect the other participants and any Club volunteers. If you have any concerns please speak to the coach or your Team Secretary.

Avoid all on court contact such as high-fives or handshaking. Maintain social distancing during all breaks. Do not share water bottles or food with other participants that you do not live with.

If you develop any Covid-19 symptoms whilst at the session ensure that the coach or team manger present is informed and avoid touching anything. You should notify us on [email protected] and follow the guidance on self-isolation and not return to activity until your period of self-isolation has been completed in accordance with UK Government guidelines. Please provide us to Test and Trace if required so that we can liaise with them and protect all members accordingly.

6. After the session

At the end of the session social distancing must be maintained. You should leave promptly at the end of the session and where possible change/shower at home rather than at the venue.

At the end of each session we will be cleaning all balls and equipment. Please do play your part in helping with this on a rotation basis to help keep everyone safe.

By signing up to the session you understand that you will provide your contact details to Inter Volleyball Club (via Facebook or otherwise) and you consent to them holding the details and, if required, passing these to the third party venue hosting the session, the NHS or any other Government body as part of the NHS test and trace programme relating to Covid-19.
Should you develop any symptoms following the session you should immediately notify the Club Covid-19 officer (Ivan). If you need to provide contact details to NHS Test and Trace please provide this email address and the Covid-19 officer can ensure we comply with our test and trace requirements.

7. Spectators

In line with current Government guidance, spectators will not be permitted at any sessions unless specifically agreed in advance with the session organiser for outdoor sessions.
For junior indoor sessions no spectators (including parents/carers) will be permitted in the hall. Parents/carers are welcome to remain on site and use the other facilities at the sports centre (to the extent these are open).

8. Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about attending the session please do speak to your coach or team manager or contact us. We want to keep everyone safe – please do look after each other.